Michelin Green Guide
Grand Tour of Switzerland

Role: reporting, research, writing

Once someone at Michelin (her name is Cynthia; thank you Cynthia) had a brilliant idea. She gave me an Audi and let me drive it all over Switzerland for two weeks so I could write about the experience for a special edition travel guide. Like I said, brilliant.

Below is a representative sample.

“Sheltered by the Lepontine massif, the Ticino is sunkissed, with a warm Mediterranean climate, lush verdure and balmy breezes. Italian is the lingua franca ... and the Italian concept of dolce far niente—literally ‘sweet nothing’ but in practice something like a pleasant idle—is pervasive.”

“The views here are tremendous as the world falls completely away beneath the road. The pass is beautiful and barren with patches of grass and bald rock amid the shoulders of the mountains. Stop for a rest at the Ospizio here, which has existed in some form since 1237, and join a parade of ghosts.”


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